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Go Swap Auctions

New User Registration

Please enter your user information to register with Go Swap Auctions using the form below. Once you register, an e-mail message with instructions to activate your membership will be sent to your address. Click the link in the e-mail to activate your account and immediately begin enjoying the benefits of becoming a member.

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Last Name*
Address (line 1)
Address (line 2)
Postal Code
Email Address*
Confirm Password
Opt-in to News & Announcement Emails*
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Opt-in to Jobs and Work Offer Emails*
Yes No

* - indicates the field is required

The News & Announcement Emails are sent no more than once per week. Jobs and Work Offer Emails are sent no more than once per week. These e-mails will provide special offers where our users can perform small jobs for a nominal fee. More details will be posted here soon.

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