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How to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings
by Kenneth W. Richards - Thu Apr 20, 2006 02:55pm
In this article, I will attempt to educate you on ways to improve the ranking of your website in the popular search engines. What I am discussing here are no "tricks" or "gimmicks". Believe it or not, there are not really any secrets to getting listed and ranking high on Google or Yahoo. Follow these simple guidelines to make the most out of your website and bring more traffic to your site.
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Configurable PHP Search Engine for MySQL Content
by Kenneth W. Richards - Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:55pm
Just recently, I completed the design and implementation of a fully configurable search engine. The search engine is designed to index content that is contained in a database which holds all of the major content for this website. By defining separate configurations for each database table, I can provide a search index for major content areas such as: articles, blog entries, forum posts, wiki content and even auction listings.
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Search Engine Optimization
by Kenneth W. Richards - Thu Mar 23, 2006 01:11pm
Perhaps the most important marketing you can do for your site is Search Engine submittals. Whenever someone wants to find a website, they invariable try a search engine. It is imperitive that your website is well-optimized for search engines so that you can get top placement and also so your potential audience can find you without any difficulty.
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Go Swap is On a Mission
by Kenneth W. Richards - Mon Mar 20, 2006 04:05pm
A lot of people have their doubts about this site. Our goal is to create a popular auction site with virtually no fees and no advertising. Some of you may wonder how we plan to make money with this site.
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Origins of Go Swap Auctions
by Kenneth W. Richards - Mon Mar 20, 2006 09:19am
Go Swap is the new auction site dedicated to bringing you premium auction services with no fees to the seller or the buyer. Like many other people, we were frustrated and discouraged wit the high fees charged by the popular auction site E-bay™. Instead of just bitching and moaning about the problem, we decided to do something about it.
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